Secret contract revealed involving “Donald Trump’s illegitimate child”

Here’s the thing about David Pecker and the National Enquirer having cut an immunity deal with Robert Mueller and the federal government this week: it’s opened a Pandora’s box, and no one is quite sure what all is going to come out of it. For instance the Enquirer long ago exclusively bought up a story from a doorman at Trump World Tower, for the purpose of making sure it never saw the light of day. That story involved Donald Trump allegedly having an illegitimate child with his housekeeper.

Now that the Enquirer is selling Donald Trump out instead of protecting him, the tabloid newspaper has decided to allow the doorman out of his secret contract. The doorman originally tried to go public with his story back in April, but the Enquirer fired back at the time by insisting the story wasn’t credible to begin with, and the story failed to gain much traction. Now, however, the doorman has made the wording of the contract public – and it changes things.

The doorman has given the contract to CNN today, and it includes the sentence “Source shall provide AMI with information regarding Donald Trump’s illegitimate child.” AMI is the parent company of the National Enquirer. This language sure doesn’t sound like the Enquirer thought the story was bogus when it purchased the rights to it, as the contract flat out refers to “Donald Trump’s illegitimate child.” Furthermore, why would the Trump-aligned Enquirer spend $30,000 to kill a story about Trump having an illegitimate child if it weren’t true to begin with?

We’ll see where this story goes. But the upshot here is that not only is the National Enquirer selling Donald Trump out to the Feds, it’s also begun letting people with negative Trump stories out of their contracts, meaning they’re free to spill the beans. We’re going to see a whole lot more of this kind of thing come to the surface in the coming days and weeks.

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