Donald Trump posts strange late night tweet about a wrestling guy

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Donald Trump has long had angry meltdowns on Twitter most mornings, but he only tended to return to Twitter late at night if he was particularly frazzled by the latest developments in his various criminal scandals. These past two weeks we’ve been treated to a midnight Trump meltdown nearly every night, suggesting that Trump knows his scandals are closing in very tightly on him. But tonight things just got weird.

On Tuesday night we had Donald Trump blurting out “NO COLLUSION – RIGGED WITCH HUNT!” at no one in particular at 1:10am. Then on Wednesday night Trump began insisting just after midnight that he would win the election by an even larger margin if it were held today, even while mistakenly citing betting odds that listed him as being unlikely to win reelection. Then tonight at 11:35pm, Trump began tweeting about a wrestling guy.

This time around Trump didn’t even have a meltdown; he simply tweeted “Happy birthday Vince, you are truly one of the greats” in the direction of World Wrestling Entertainment boss Vince McMahon, a longtime friend. This makes no sense on any level. We can buy the idea that Trump, who is erratic and unstable to begin with, angrily ranting on Twitter in the middle of the night as his scandals continue to destroy him. But since when does an early riser like Trump decide to post a birthday wish to a friend not long before midnight, when he should reasonably have long been asleep?

Palmer Report has asked more than once over th past week whether these late night meltdowns were really coming from Donald Trump. Last week his late night tweets were mostly just quotes from his allies. Was he posting these, or was his staff? After Paul Manafort was convicted and Michael Cohen pleaded guilty, Trump’s initial tweet about it seemed tepid and defeated – so his all caps outburst later that night didn’t sound like it really came from him either.

When Trump announced that he’d win the election by an even larger margin today, it was just a few minutes after he had retweeted his social media guy, Dan Scavino. It’s long been believed that when Trump retweets Scavino, it’s actually Scavino using Trump’s account to retweet himself. Now we have Trump supposedly posting a birthday wish just before midnight. We’re more suspicious than ever that perhaps Trump isn’t truly posting these late night tweets, and that his staff is merely trying to create the appearance that he’s up all night fighting, after he sulks and passes out.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report