Hey Republicans, don’t you dare!

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Social security and Medicare are not entitlements. It’s bad enough that Republicans refer to these earned benefits as such, but it’s even worse when the media uses the misnomer. In its piece on Republican plans to cut these benefits, Business Insider referred to both as “entitlements.” Just stop it. A fund into which a person has paid is not an “entitlement,” except to the extent that those who contributed are “entitled” to get their money. The very notion that programs into which Americans are forced to pay are “entitlements” should make every person’s blood boil. What will they next call an “entitlement?” A tax refund? Worse is the idea that Republicans are ready to stand in front of the American public and tell us that they are simply going to take money from our hands and food from our mouths. Yeah, that’s going to go over well.

The sad truth is that these programs don’t even need to be cut. There is plenty of government waste to address that can cut spending. This shows just how cruel and heartless Republicans are when it comes to the very people who put them in office. People who continue to vote for them are not only fools, but they’re taking the rest of us with them in their foolishness. That’s not the only issue. Elizabeth Warren recently wrote an op ed for the Boston Globe, and the truth of her words should be lost on no one: “They claim their plan to use the debt ceiling to trigger global economic chaos is about fiscal responsibility. It’s not.

The House Republican plan for the debt ceiling is about protecting the wealthy and the well-connected from paying their fair share in taxes-nothing more and nothing less.” Bingo. Not only that, but they are willing to compromise the lives and well being of the millions drawing social security and those who are poised to draw it in the future. This was a simple fix many years ago: Stop taking money out of our checks, and you won’t owe us anything. Indeed, how about returning the funds they’ve taken over the years? Figure it out, Republicans, but touch my social security and Medicare and you will witness the real Diary of a Mad Black Woman. Madea has nothing on me, and that wrath will be on full display.

To show just what a bad idea it is to even think about, let alone touch, social security and Medicare, Business Insider recently published an article discussing Donald Trump’s suggestion that Republicans stay away from those two programs. Now, if Donald Trump can figure this out, surely the rest of them should get it. Regardless of whether they get it or not, Republicans do not want the anger heaped upon them from retired Americans that will be coming their way. After all, older Americans are the most likely group to vote, and they tend to vote Republican. That is a segment of the population Republicans can’t afford to lose, but if they touch social security and Medicare, they can expect that loss.

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