Here we go again

While Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is contemplating additional felonies with which to charge Donald Trump, E Jean Carroll’s attorney Roberta Kaplan filed a proposed update to the $10m Manhattan civil court complaint against Trump. Carroll is amending her remaining defamation lawsuit against Trump to include the derogatory remarks the confirmed sexual predator made at the infamous CNN town hall last week.

Another criminal victory will make the score Alvin Bragg two, Donald Trump zero.
Another civil victory will make the score E Jean Carroll two, Donald Trump zero. Trump just keeps racking up losses, and these days the disgusting, whiny little baby has taken to referring to himself as a “victim” as a result. But he is his own victim.

Meanwhile the National Archives announced it found a trove of records proving that Donald Trump and his advisors knew all along they were breaking the law by taking classified documents to Mar-a-Lago. These records will be turned over to Special Counsel Jack Smith as part of the criminal investigation into Trump’s handling of those classified documents.

Further in the annals of victimhood, Trump’s media company has filed a $3.78 billion nuisance suit against The Washington Post alleging defamation regarding his social media platform “Truth” Social. The suit claims the paper has been on a “years-long crusade” to undermine Trump Media, which was founded in February 2021. The suit will almost certainly fail.

Also, speaking of defamation, following the release of the Durham report last week Trump has used his social media platform “Truth” Social to make the ridiculous claim that the FBI wanted to pay up to $1 million to “frame” him in regard to collusion with Russia. The new narrative coming out of Trump World is that the FBI is piled to the rafters with radical liberals. Let me just say that again. Trump says the FBI is full of radical liberals.

Meanwhile, a former top Trump attorney, with the remarkable name Ty Cobb, is telling anyone who will listen that Donald Trump is going to prison. Mr Cobb’s batting average in predicting these matters is well over .400. So all in all it’s been a bad week for Trump. And it’s only Tuesday.

I can’t help recalling again just how avoidable Trump’s troubles were. All he had to do was do what he does best: nothing. He could have skipped the January 6 rally, left the White House without taking classified materials, kept his mouth shut about E Jean Carroll and avoided making any phone calls to the Georgia Secretary of State.

Had Trump avoided those acts he would now be enjoying a relatively calm retirement. By now people would start to forget about him. But because Donald Trump is a fool he’s in worse trouble than ever. And there is no sign that the principal cause of his current troubles — his mouth — has learned anything approaching a lesson. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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