Everything is falling apart for Donald Trump in real time

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Another day, another example of Donald Trump violating his oath of office. He recently retweeted his son Eric’s promotion of Trump International in DC. Walter Shaub, former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, sarcastically responded: “Definitely not trying to profit off the presidency at all.” This bullshit is happening, even as Trump and his do-nothing sons criticize Hunter Biden for serving on the board of Burisma, which they stunningly refer as “profiting from Joe Biden’s role as vice president.”

Hello pot, meet kettle. HuffPost and other media outlets continue to advise that Trump never divested from his businesses. Instead, he put them in a “trust,” which allows him to dip into the pot anytime he feels the need. This isn’t actually what is meant by “divesting.” Add this to the ever-growing list on the Democrats’ impeachment board, and support for impeachment is growing by the day.

According to a new survey conducted by ABC News and Ipsos, 70% of Americans believe that Donald Trump “was wrong to pressure Ukraine.” Further, more than half of Americans believe Trump should be impeached by Congress, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office. In the meantime, Trump continues to fight with everyone who won’t blindly support him, including Jennifer Williams, Mike Pence’s special advisor for Europe and Russia. Ms. Williams has given a deposition and called Trump’s call with Zelensky “unusual and inappropriate.” She now joins the ranks of the supposed “Never Trumpers” and people whom Trump claims to not know. He is a very sad little man. Interestingly, NBC News claims that Trump has now turned on Mike Pompeo for allowing diplomats to testify Congress, subpoenas be damned.

According to NBC News, a rift has been created between Trump and Pompeo over impeachment inquiry testimony. Trump believes that because Pompeo is responsible for hiring State Department officials, he should have stopped them from testifying. According to insiders, Trump is especially angry that Pompeo chose Bill Taylor to serve as the top diplomat to Ukraine. Heaven forbid that Pompeo should hire someone with no experience, like Gordon Sondland, just so that he or she could be Trump’s lapdog but provide no useful service to the country.

NBC points out that Pompeo finds himself in “an untenable position,” trying to manage 75,000 people—many of whom don’t think much of him these days— and trying to please Trump, which is really at the root of Pompeo’s problem. He should never have taken a public service job in which he did not plan to serve the public. Trump’s pleasure takes a back seat to what’s best for the country regardless of what Trump thinks. Trump obviously doesn’t get it. These people aren’t “turning against” him; they are doing what public servants do by putting the U.S. first. He should take notes. Maybe some day he too could become a decent human being. Okay, so maybe that’s going a bit far, but you get the point.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report