Susan Collins sinks to a whole new disgusting low

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The thing about taking a bribe – even if it’s merely a corrupt one and not an illegal one – is that you don’t want to be too obvious about it. Republican Senator Susan Collins voted to acquit Donald Trump, even though she since basically admitted that her rationale at the time has turned out to be BS. Now she’s bragging about the millions of dollars that came her way as a result of acquitting Trump.

Susan Collins tweeted this: “Great news! 19 Housing Authorities in Maine have been awarded more than $9.5 million to preserve & modernize affordable housing units that serve individuals with disabilities & low-income individuals and families.” Uh, obvious much? Collins is bragging about the millions of dollars that have suddenly been thrown her state’s way almost immediately after she voted to acquit Trump. Responses to Collins were anything but positive:

It turns out Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski pulled the same crap for the same reason, and also turned around and tried to brag about it.

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