Donald Trump’s mental acuity “no longer exists”

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Trump’s worsening mental acuity should be the leading story on the front page of every newspaper, every Internet site, and every political blog. I want to do a bit of a recap here. In the last few days alone, Trump has:

Forgotten who the President of the United States is.

Couldn’t remember the name of his potential running mate.

Ranted about non-liquid gold.

Labeled the capital of New Hampshire as George Conway, New Hampshire.

Compared himself to pedophile priests.

Confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi.

The media is finally catching on, but they need to do it a lot quicker. Donald Trump’s senility has now spouted wings, soaring higher than Icarus ever could have. Itโ€™s not going to fall either. Itโ€™s not flown close to the sun. It has been SWALLOWED by the sun, never to head downward.

At last we are finally seeing other articles about it besides the ones written by Bill Palmer and other Palmer Report writers, but realistically, there should be multiple segments at a time devoted to this subject on television. You know there would be if it was President Biden

I want to see television screens lighting up with trump’s recent gaffes. I want to click on political websites and see as the leading story, “Trump is losing his mind” or maybe thatโ€™s not right. Maybe it should be “Trump has lost his mind.”

“Trump has lost his mind, canโ€™t get through one speech without screwing up.”

“Trumps mental acuity no longer exists”

“Trump is in serious decline and every single American should be concerned.”

“Where oh where is Donald Trump’s brain?”

“Donald Trumpโ€˜s has completely unraveled.”

“Brain drain!”

“Why can’t Trump string two sentences together?”

None of these are headlines. These are all potential headlines created by this writer. Iโ€™d like to see at least some of them actually become headlines. Also, in the news should be Trump’s rallies or lack thereof.

Trumps rallies are dwindling, crowds are noticeably smaller. Heโ€™s even occasionally being heckled and many in the audiences are leaving early because theyโ€™re bored out of their minds. All of this is the truth, and all of these claims have evidence to back them up.

Some of the ones who left early say it’s because the speeches are getting boring. A heckler was removed a day or two ago from one of his rallies. Others have also heckled him. We need to see the right stories getting the attention due them. If youโ€™re on social media, let your favorite media personalities know what you want to hear. Letโ€™s do our best to raise these stories up and make sure they stay in the news for a good long time.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.