Donald Trump’s maniacal messianic meltdown

There is literally no bottom. No matter how little we think of Donald Trump, or how much we despise what he says, he can always do something worse. Trump fears many things – being impeached and removed from office, voted out in 2020, or removed – however small the chances – through the twenty-fifth amendment. But he refuses to change his actions in order to prevent it. It is demonstrably clear that Trump has gone all-in with his racist, xenophobic, hateful diatribes in order to avoid the possibility of missing out on another four years of being president and thus immune to federal prosecution.

Sure, Trump is, and always has been, extremely racist. Long after he was sued, along with his father, for their racist procedure of preventing African Americans from renting their properties, Trump made the statement, “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day,” when discussing his employees while running the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in 1991.

But racism aside, Trump’s statements this week should upset and terrify everyone. After tweeting out, and apparently agreeing with, Wayne Allen Root (a far right conspiracy theorist), Trump stated he was “the best President for Israel in the history of the world,” “the King of Israel,” and “the second coming of God.” And while this is not only insane, and highly offensive to many Jewish people, Trump later doubled down in his assessment of himself.

Trump later went even further in his moonstruck belief that he’s somehow the second coming of the messiah. During an impromptu briefing (which is the only kind of White House briefing being done these past several months), Trump looked up to the Heavens and stated, “I am the chosen one.” These insane statements have only helped to push the call for the 25th Amendment to be invoked. While that likelihood remains minute, further calls will only increase while the man with the nuclear codes continues to spew such insane, racist, and blasphemous statements.

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