Donald Trump’s fantasy land

This past week Donald Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff did a bizarre interview in which he claimed that Trump was planning to meet with members of his “Cabinet.” The full context of the quote suggests that Meadows was referring to some unspecified future election. But still, since when does a former President meet with his “Cabinet” about anything?

It’s the latest development in what’s becoming a remarkably pathetic development: Donald Trump’s remaining handlers are bending over further backward than ever to allow Trump to carry out the fantasy that he’s somehow still in charge of something and still relevant.

Trump’s handlers rarely allow him to appear in public these days, which tells you something about just how bad of shape he’s in. This is confirmed by Trump’s barely-there presence and fully incoherent rambling during the few speeches he’s allowed to give. There’s nothing Trump loves more than holding such rallies, but his handlers appear to understand that if they were to let him appear in public more than occasionally, it would allow the general public to figure out that he really is just about totally gone – and the Trump 2024 narrative would disappear from mainstream headlines entirely.

One can almost imagine the conversations going on with Trump’s handlers:

“He wants to hold another rally.”

“We can’t do that; the last time he came off as almost entirely senile.”

“We’ve got to give him something to sate him.”

“Okay let’s have him visit with a few of his former Cabinet members instead.”

It’s becoming more clear by the day that Donald Trump, lost and broken and increasingly lacking his faculties, is living in some feeble fantasy land where he’s still President of the United States. Trump is too far gone to remain a threat. The real danger is what others might end up doing in his name. But Trump himself, what’s left of him, is just plain pathetic. If anyone else were in this sad sack position, without having been a monster to begin with, you’d feel bad for them.

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