Donald Trump just gave away that he knows it’s completely over for him

It’s now completely over for Donald Trump. If you don’t want to take our word for it, just check with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which just cleared the way for Trump to be indicted for stealing classified documents. Or check with the other federal criminal case against Trump, where Pat Cipollone and others have just testified to a DOJ grand jury after the courts ruled that executive privilege didn’t apply.

But if you really want proof that it’s over for Trump, just ask Trump. After all of these things went horribly wrong for him, he called for the “termination” of the Constitution so he could be reinstated as President. It’s not just that Trump is saying something this infinitely deranged. It’s that he has to know that this kind of talk will merely help ensure that he really does spend the rest of his life in prison.

Good luck to Trump’s lawyers when he’s on trial for trying to overthrow the government and they have to convince the jury that he didn’t really mean it when he called for the “termination” of the Constitution. This is the kind of thing that proves intent and delivers convictions.

Donald Trump is clearly at a point where he sees no hope of escaping indictment and conviction, and is throwing it all away with a statement like this because he has nothing to lose anyway. If you’re a lock to spend the rest of your life in prison, what else is there to lose? Trump knows his life is over. He’s knows he’s done. And he’s yelling the kind of desperate gibberish a villain only yells when he knows there’s no hope of escape anyway.

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