Donald Trump just gave away that he knows he’s headed for prison

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Around here we make a point of not automatically quoting Donald Trump every time he speaks, because most of the outrageous things he’s said since leaving office have been a desperate attempt at getting attention and fending off his own growing irrelevance. But now and then Trump says something that gives away where he thinks things are heading.

For instance on Friday, Trump came about as close to threatening Mitch McConnell’s life as one could possibly get without actually being arrested for it, and then for good measure Trump hurled a racial slur at McConnell’s wife. This is only relevant in that it gives away just how frantic and frazzled Trump has become, now that the Feds are targeting him for espionage, and his legal defense strategy is falling apart.

Now Trump is giving something else away. At an otherwise irrelevant rally on Saturday night, Trump said “I think they’d like to see me in prison.” For once he’s right. We do want to see him in prison. And he is going to prison. Moreover, the fact that he’s talking about it means he knows he’s on track for prison.

Donald Trump can run his mouth and beat his chest as much as he wants, but bravado and bluster are not going to somehow magically save him. Instead Trump is merely giving away that he now expects to end up in prison. He knows this is all going just that badly for him. And because he’s a one trick pony who can’t help but rely on projection, he’s giving away just how dour he is about his own prospects.

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