Mehmet Oz has a whole new problem

Mehmet Oz has a problem. And that problem is that he won’t answer the fundamental question voters are asking him. Does he support a national abortion ban? If such a ban were introduced – how would he vote? Crickets.

“Mehmet Oz is on video running away when asked how he’d vote on Lindsey’s abortion ban.”

“Mehmet won’t answer the question.”

“Oz, do you support a national abortion ban?”

“Silence from Oz.”

These are all comments from worried folks on social media who have been TRYING to get Mehmet Oz to answer this very simple question. Oz refuses to. If his shoes had wings, I’d imagine Mehmet would be flying away from these voters. All they want to know is the truth. All they want to know is where he stands on this very important issue.

Silence. Nothing but silence. On the other hand, John Fetterman has told Pennsylvania voters where he stands. He is pro-choice. He would NEVER vote for a national abortion ban or any abortion ban. But Mehmet, in true snake oil salesman style, refuses to answer.

This is likely because he knows if he DID answer, his poll numbers would fall even more. “Where is Mehmet on abortion?” That has become a regular battle cry on the campaign trail. And yet nobody knows because Mehmet refuses to tell them.

John Fetterman is on track to win, but in these last few weeks before the midterms, Mehmet will undoubtedly be making up stories about him and pulling out every last trick to try to win.

And he will be helped by many in the media who LOVE a horse-race and will gleefully try to turn good news into neutral news and neutral news into terrible news. So lets all help get Fetterman across the finish line. The Senate will be a much better place with John Fetterman in it, which will be one more vote FOR women.

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