Donald Trump is scared of what comes next

Fear is a multi-million dollar business. Think about it. There is fear in literature. There is fear in movies and television shows. The dark, gothic feeling of fear can manifest itself in many different ways and at many times. There is fear at amusement parks and on carnival rides. Fear can sometimes be exhilarating, as many a roller coaster fan knows.

Then there is the other fear. That is the black pit of fear that burns darkly, with candles that never ever go out. That is a metaphorical city of doom whose lights are on 24 hours a day, welcoming new lodgers to experience the oppressive feeling of its dungeons. Donald Trump is in that city. Fear city. And so I ask this question: Are you afraid, Donald trump? Are you shivering?

We know you are. As we’ve said — the closer trump is to the indictment, the more point out of control his fear spiral will get. As you know, parts of the Grand Jury report from Georgia were released.

It was an absolute nothing burger, as Bill Palmer said it would be. However, trump lost in omnipresent delusion, took to truth social to brag the report cleared him.

This outburst was so bizarre it even got the attention of many pundits. People seemed baffled. How could he say that, they wondered? Oh — he ALSO has returned to speaking in the third person. It figures. Are you scared, Donald?

And as trump’s pit of fear burst, and as he rambled about in the third person, Donald started to resemble a horror novel. Edgar Allan Poe would be proud. But the most bizarre part of the diatribe, was when trump, on truth social, thanked the grand jury for their patriotism. Trump is thanking people for something they did not do — exonerate him.

All over, pundits whispered (and sometimes shouted) about these weird words, drawing different types of conclusions and wondering if perhaps trump had any idea what an idiot he sounded like. But we know what made him do it. You’re scared, Donald Trump.

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