Donald Trump goes off the deep end trying to find the “spy” in his own organization

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There are some spy games going on within the Trump circle. And it really is a fun story — infused with a bit of irony. The potential spy being investigated for espionage is terrified of — the spy within his own circle. That’s right. Reportedly, Trump is losing it — because he has no idea who the spy is — the person who has infiltrated his ranks and might be secretly working with the DOJ. It’s spy games at its most merry.

Look, anything that puts a frown on Donald Trump’s face puts a smile on mine. And Trump is reportedly not a happy camper — because his pint-sized brain can’t decode the information and figure out who the spy is. Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig spoke to MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace and told her that people had said Trump, while in Virginia this week, was “unhappy and displeased.”

“He must know by now as well, Nicole, that somebody in his inner circle, somebody close to him, close to him at Mar-a-Lago. Close to him in his White House has been cooperating with the Department of Justice to make clear that there was a high degree of certainty that they would find classified records.”

I imagine it must be eating the orange monster alive. Can you imagine living this way? Walking around, knowing the feds are closing in, knowing that someone who pretends to be your friend is happily singing, giving up all your most personal and sensitive secrets?

This is Donald Trump’s new normal. And the spy games will continue to drive Donald Trump to distraction. Because whoever is the spy, if indeed there IS a spy, is not going to be revealed anytime soon. So this is Trump’s reality: to live in a perpetual state of mistrust, cynicism, anger, and fear.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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