A little reminder

Poor Joe Biden. He’s just an old man who doesn’t know how to get things done. I mean, next to Donald, Trump, who’s done more in four years than any other president in history. Right? I mean, we know this is true because Trump says so, and Trump never lies, right?
Let’s look at the record. Let’s look at reality. Okay, so what has Biden done anyway? Well, under his superintendence, Democrats passed the infrastructure package, the American Rescue plan, the first gun bill in decades, the Chips Act (which funds the American semiconductor chip industry), the PACT Act, which expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances, the Inflation Reduction Act, a landmark law that curbs inflation by reducing the deficit, lowering prescription drug prices and investing in domestic energy production while promoting clean energy.
Biden rolled out the Covid vaccine in record time, added ten million jobs, unemployment is at a 50 year low, our allies trust us again and our enemies fear us. Gas prices are dropping. Al Qaeda’s leader is dead. Biden forgave federal student loans up to $20,000 for Pell grant recipients and up to $10,000 for all others.
All these things Biden and the Democrats did. Biden signed off on them without the help, in most cases, of a single Republican. Republicans were against everything he did no matter what. And they continue to whine about much of it to this day. Except when they take credit for some of it, of course.
Then there’s Trump. Oh yeah, he added three new judges to the Supreme Court who hate women and have taken away their right to control their own bodies. And he gave a huge tax cut to the wealthiest one percent. And he failed to build his stupid, crumbling “wall,” which is really an easy-to-scale fence, and he failed to get Mexico to pay for the pitiful remains.
Trump was such a buffoon and a moron while in office that many of America’s allies laughed at and reviled us while America’s enemies considered him to be a useful idiot. Meanwhile he played lots of golf and tweeted lots of hate toward specific Americans who received death threats on that account. And he bragged and bragged and bragged and bragged and bragged about how great he is and how horrible everyone else is.
Now it turns out Trump is under investigation for more serious crimes than I have time to count. Not only is he a rapist, a murderer, a thief, a conman and a liar, but he’s also a traitor.
So next time someone comes to you with a false equivalency about how Trump stacks up against Biden, show him this article. Or just remember for yourselves what Biden has done in less than half a term. That’s right, Biden is today where Trump was in 2018. Trump had done nothing by then. Biden is setting the world on fire.
By the way, some of the stuff Biden did doesn’t affect me. For example, I put my way through college. I did not incur any student debt. But the reason for this was because I could. It was possible and actually fairly easy, back when I was a college student, to pay for your own tuition in a fine state school. It’s not possible any longer. Or so difficult as to be nearly impossible.
But even so, it doesn’t help me that Biden has forgiven all that student debt. Despite this, I think it’s terrific. That’s because I’m a Democrat, and Democrats have this thing that Republicans lack called compassion and empathy for others. It’s not all about us. We benefit because others beside us benefit.
That’s the difference between being a community-responsible human being and a selfish, whining, spoiled brat. Republicans are no longer a party, they’re a bunch of babies who want to take and take without giving anything back. It’s time to get rid of them. It will soon be time to vote. So vote, and send all of those whiny bastards and assholes packing. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.
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Robert Harrington is an American expat living in Britain. He is a portrait painter.