Donald Trump goes off the berserk deep end after he realizes he’s doomed

Donald Trump’s strategy for winning his criminal trials was to make sure they never happened to begin with. After the day he faced in court today, suffice it to say that he knows he’s lost that battle. Opening arguments in his first criminal trial begin on Monday. And Trump probably now sees that he won’t be able to magic wand his way out of his other criminal trials either.

To that end, Trump is completely melting down tonight. He posted this to social media: “Judge Merchan is “railroading” me, at breakneck speed, in order to completely satisfy his “friends.” Additionally, he has “GAGGED” me so that I cannot talk about the most important of topics, including his totally disqualifying conflict of interest, and taking away my Constitutional Right of Free Speech. Almost every Legal Scholar and Expert has stated that there is “NO CASE,” that this is a SCAM brought about by a Corrupt District Attorney, Alvin Bragg…”

You get the idea. Trump is even more off his rocker tonight than ever. He’s clearly figured out that he’s going to lose this trial and be convicted. And for the record, Donald, if you’re still able to rant about the judge in your criminal trial, then your First Amendment rights haven’t really been taken away, have they?

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