Donald Trump’s attorneys hit the panic button after disastrous trial day

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Things went disastrously for Donald Trump today in his criminal trial, to put it mildly. The full jury was seated, plus alternates, with no difficulty. Then Trump’s attorneys spent the afternoon trying and failing to convince the judge to delay Monday’s start date for opening arguments.

Trump reportedly left the courtroom looking angry and dejected, as the reality set in that he has indeed failed to stop his criminal trial. So perhaps not surprisingly, Trump’s lawyers have made a panicky, nonsensical filing tonight, asking the appeals court to rule that the jurors who have been selected are biased against him. Suffice it to say that this has zero chance of working, and zero chance of delaying anything.

So what are Trump’s lawyers doing? They seem to be doing exactly what their desperate and delusional client wants them to do, which is to keep “doing something” to try to save him even though there’s nothing to be done. It’s all busywork at this point. As the judge said, opening statements in the trial will start on Monday.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.