Donald Trump goes berserk as he realizes his life as he knows it is over

In order for the courts to issue an outright gag order (and not just a protective order) against a defendant, that defendant has to screw up on an extraordinary level. This brings us to Donald Trump, whose entire life now consists of screwing up on an extraordinary level.

Now that Trump has run his mouth long enough and derangedly enough, Jack Smith apparently feels that he can likely get the courts to issue such a gag order, and he’s filing for one accordingly. Suffice it to say that Trump is unhappy about this, whining that “they won’t allow me to SPEAK!”

Well yeah, that’s what a gag order against a criminal defendant is. All that Trump had to do was refrain from making inappropriate remarks about the case against him, and he wouldn’t be facing a gag order. Or better yet, he could have decided not to commit all these crimes to begin with. Donald Trump’s life is over, to the point that even his voice is stripped from him on his way to prison. All that Trump can do about the destruction of his life is whine about it – and now he’s going to be limited in how he’s allowed to whine.

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