Donald Trump’s moment of collapse

Donald Trump has basically been in hiding for the past two and a half years, as his handlers have tried to hide his senility. Now he’s at a point of desperation where he has to go out and do political interviews to try to be seen as a candidate instead of a defendant. But he’s just being seen as senile.

For two and a half years Trump did very few rallies, even fewer interviews, and no tweets. These are the only things Trump ever enjoyed in politics. Yet his handlers have convinced him to shy away from this kind of thing entirely. They know what a risk it is to put him out there these days in the condition he’s now in.

Yet there’s really no choice at this point. The general public increasingly sees Trump as a defendant not a candidate. And Trump is clearly panicked over his indictments (as he should be). He’s desperate to be out there publicly now, and his handlers can’t seem to stop him.

The only thing Trump has going for him is that the entire media (on both sides) is desperate to legitimize his faux-candidacy for the sake of ratings. So every interview is a softball aimed at protecting Trump from his own obvious senility.

But how long before Trump has a moment? You know what I mean. Sooner or later he’s going to faceplant cognitively. His base won’t care. But the general public will see it. They’ll conclude he’s senile. And the media won’t be able to sell Trump’s supposed viability anymore. It’s a matter of time.

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