Everyone piles on as Donald Trump comes off like Grandpa Simpson

The truth can sometimes be found in strange and unusual places. Sometimes, the truth reveals itself in the last places one would expect to see it. Such a thing happened on Twitter. And it concerns Megyn Kelly.

Megyn Kelly was once a victim of Trump’s. Remember that? That should have been a red-hot warning to EVERYONE when he went after her so hard she needed a security detail just for asking him a question he did not like.

In recent years, however, Kelly seems to have had am epiphany. And that epiphany is that Trump is a great guy, the best, and perhaps that is why she interviewed him this week. Kelly has gone all-in on kissing Trump’s a##, and it showed in the interview as she giggled and cooed, asked light and easy questions, and, in general, did nothing but degrade herself.

But Trump revealed something. His own true, mad and deep incompetence. During the interview the name of one Doctor Fauci came up. Neither Trump nor Kelly seems to be fans of Fauci.

But what really got Twitter talking (and rendered a few speechless) is that Trump, while talking about Fauci, growled that he had no idea who awarded Fauci a Presidential commendation.

It was Donald Trump himself. Twitter exploded when this happened. The comments were a mixture of “He’s lying” and “He’s senile.” Perhaps both are true:

“Donald Trump continues to show his mental decline!”


“Trump doesn’t seem to recall…”

“It’s literally on the White House website.”

“Rex Tillerson was right. He’s a f###in moron.”

“Mental decline!”

“Dude looks rough.”

“Unfit for President.”

“Seek help, Donnie.”

This was fascinating to view because BOTH the interviewer and the interviewee were truly, madly and deeply out of their minds. Kelly is showing she will do anything for ratings, even suck up to someone who verbally abused her.

And then we have Donald Trump, who does not even frigging remember his own actions. At least he didn’t say a Trump double was responsible for giving Fauci the commendation. My gosh, is Trump a basket case.

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