Did Fox News just get itself in trouble again?

While many people are lamenting the settlement paid out by Fox News to Dominion as “not enough,” we’re already seeing a lot of defeatists throwing in the towel and saying that no matter what, the right wing media empire and its liars will prevail.

While the odds of Dominion’s lawsuit bringing down the Fox News empire and its quarter century of propaganda with one ruling were always remote at best, there’s something to the fact that Fox was desperate enough to negotiate until the eleventh hour to avoid having to go to court – knowing that whatever was said in a courtroom would only add to a whole string of costly setbacks they’ve had to endure over the last six years when they hitched themselves to the former guy.

Dominion was far from the first legal battle that Fox found themselves in, and it’s certainly not the last, as they’re facing a number of investigations and another similar lawsuit from Smartmatic. The question now is how far down this is going to go – when thinking of all of the people who have bought into the regular cycle of propaganda with disastrous results. The 84-year-old man arrested for shooting Ralph Yarl, is one of them, as his grandson testified against him, saying he spent years radicalized by Fox News – a story that isn’t uncommon, and suggests it’s only a matter of time before the company can’t afford to keep being bogged down in civil litigation, particularly when it’s common knowledge that they regularly lie to their viewers.

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