Donald Trump is angry

He’s angry — maybe angrier than he’s ever been before. He’s angry at the enemy. But he’s got it all wrong. Donald Trump has been raging. I cannot possibly write about all his rants, nor would I want to. But suffice it to say, our traitor has not been having an easy time of it lately. And it’s showing.

In addition to truth social, Trump’s been grazing about on Instagram. But his posts are so outlandish that reportedly some people believe he’s been hacked. Trump spent much time talking up his second round of trading cards. There was also a picture of Trump holding onto the Liberty Bell.

Trump’s also been raging at Elon Musk for admitting he voted for Biden. Trump does not believe him and has been busily trashing Musk on truth social. Trump also wants to create tent cities for the homeless. He’s posted pictures of the prosecutors calling them thugs. He even dared to compare himself to George Washington!

All of this poison is flowing from Trump, all of his grievances and hate and rage. One of the reasons for the over-flow of verbal garbage is that Trump is wounded. And he wants — he needs — to lash out at his enemies.

So that’s his MO. Trump, on any given day, will post vicious things about whoever angers him at the moment. But because he’s a malignant narcissist, the black and yawning hole inside never will be satisfied.

It’s a lose-lose for Trump. All the postings do is succeed in making him angrier. Trump is on a mission he can’t win because he doesn’t understand the truth. And the truth is that Nothing — no matter how vile or vicious the posting is, will alleviate his suffering. Nothing will make him feel whole again.

That’s because Trump ignores his REAL enemy. His true enemy. The one enemy who is genuinely trying to bring him down. Who is that enemy? It’s Donald Trump.

Trump, angry, barely lucid, and furious, must stagger away from truth social into a room with a mirror and gaze into that mirror. In the mirror, he’d see his true enemy – the ONLY one responsible for his bitter fate, the one who has brought him to such a low.

Were trump to confront the enemy within, he might feel better. Self-examination, difficult , usually brings a feeling of peace. But Trump, being who he is, will never be able to do that. And so he will never find that elusive peace. All because of the enemy within.

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