Dark Brandon strikes again during Republican debate

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Media ad buys in politics are quite common. We’ve all seen many. Both sides make ad buys, usually when they’re deep in campaign mode. And this week, an unusual ad buy caused many an eyebrow to raise. It was from HIM. He, who must never be taken lightly. He who is constantly underestimated. He, whose wit and kindness, not to mention his intelligence, are constantly underestimated. It is Dark Brandon.

Never EVER underestimate Dark Brandon. Or if you are a Republican, underestimate him at your own risk. The Biden campaign has purchased ad space — on the website of Fox News. Is there no end to Dark Brandon’s ability to amuse us?

These ads will run through the Fox debate and after.They’re running right now. And this, dear readers, is the first and ONLY time I shall link to Fox. But follow this link and you can see Dark Brandon’s ad.

The ad showcases the unstoppable force that is Dark Brandon. The particular focus of Dark Brandon, in this ad, is abortion, which, as Palmer Report has pointed out, promises to be one of the main issues in the 2024 election.

“Get real Jack. I’m bringing Roe back.” That is what the ad says. I imagine Republicans are not exactly doing a happy dance about this.

But what, after all, did they expect? This IS Dark Brandon we’re talking about. He of the edgy glasses, looking like an onyx statue, constantly surprising those who never give him credit.

This is a great move from the Dark Brandon campaign, but would you expect anything less? After all he’s Dark Brandon and Dark Brandon always knows best.

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