Now we know just how close Robert Mueller is to making his move against Donald Trump

The details are still pouring in this evening about an utterly absurd and astoundingly incompetent plot to frame Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The plot centered around trying to pay women to falsely accuse Mueller of sexual harassment, and the whole thing fell apart when the women exposed it to the media. Even as this strange story plays out, the most important detail here is who was allegedly behind it all.

The entire cartoon-villain level plot appears to trace back to a pair of pro-Trump political operatives, Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, who are both close to Donald Trump. They’re both denying any involvement in this plot, and the FBI will have to sort it out. But the real story here is that this plot existed at all, and that it was being carried out right now, at this particular time.

There has been significant recent buzz in the mainstream media about how Robert Mueller was preparing to make his move on Donald Trump shortly after the midterm elections, which take place one week from today. Now we’re suddenly seeing this effort at taking Mueller down, so sloppy and amateur-hour in nature that it appears to have been thrown together in haste, apparently engineered by some of Trump’s close allies.

This doesn’t prove that Donald Trump was in on this plot. But these two pro-Trump shills are close enough to the Trump regime to have a sense of when Trump’s people think Robert Mueller is going to make his move. This new incident suggests that Mueller is preparing to take his big swing at Trump very soon, and Trump and his allies know it, and this was their last ditch effort at trying to derail it. Perhaps next time they can hire Wile E Coyote.

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