The calm before the storm

It’s been said that there’s a calm before the storm. While it’s demonstrably clear there is never a “calm” when it comes to Donald Trump’s illegitimate time in office, the past few days show how desperate he truly is. The level of his tweets are inversely proportional to his sanity. The lowest level, when Trump is at his “normal” state, can be described by tweets about the economy, jobs, and approval ratings (still all lies). The next level consists of calling out people with insults, showing his anger or nervousness. When he starts retweeting people, especially those of strangers simply showering him with praise, you can be sure he’s freaking out.

With all of the recent reports indicating federal investigations of his inner circle – Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, and even his daughter Ivanka – there’s good reason for Trump to be showing signs of fear. The report that he’s secretly pushing Chief of Staff John Kelly to evict Jared and Ivanka from their White House jobs, while at the same time telling them personally not to leave, demonstrates how desperate and confused he truly is.

He knows Special Counsel Robert Mueller is getting closer to him every day, yet he has no way to avoid it, short of pulling another Saturday Night Massacre and firing Mueller via Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and likely going further down that succession list.

Despite the clear fear and desperation that Donald Trump is currently feeling, the only “war” he’s started was a trade war against our allies over steel and aluminum. While this will hurt consumers in America with higher prices, that’s certainly better than a full-fledged war against North Korea, or any other country he might be inclined to start a war with just for a distraction from the Trump-Russia investigation. Regardless of his distractions, Trump cannot keep Mueller at bay for long. And while this is just the calm, we know the storm follows.

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