Bad news for Trump co-defendant

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We’ve already seen a few of Donald Trump’s co-defendants in Georgia cut deals against him: Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, and Jenna Ellis. We’ve also seen the media reports that the likes of Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows aren’t going to be offered deals no matter what. But what about the other defendants in between? Are there more deals to come?

This brings us to Trump co-defendant Trevian Kutti, whose attorney formally dropped her on Friday. In a situation like this an attorney has to have a good reason for dropping a client, and has to convince the court of that reason. In this instance the attorney cited the whole “not getting paid” thing, and that did the trick.

So now we’re talking about a mid-level co-defendant in the Fulton County case who lost her attorney because she couldn’t pay him, and presumably won’t be able to pay a new attorney to represent her either. It’s tough to predict what Kutti will do, given her generally strange behavior. But normally this is a situation where you’d watch for a possible plea deal.

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