More good polling news for Joe Biden that the media won’t tell you about

It’s still too early to be worried about 2024 general election polls, especially when the various polls are so inconsistent with each other. But the media keeps trying to chase ratings and scare everyone into staring at their screens by talking about how bad Joe Biden’s poll numbers supposedly are. The thing is, the media is – what’s the word – lying to you about what the polls are even saying.

The reality is that numerous major polling outlets release new polls each week. If you’re going to talk about the polls at all, you’d need to look at all of the poll numbers, or look at the overall averages. But the media doesn’t do that. Instead, in large part, it cherry picks the poll numbers on one end of the spectrum or the other – whichever end it thinks sounds the most shocking – and then hypes those poll numbers as if they were the only poll numbers.

In the case of 2024, the media (on the left and right) has been almost solely quoting the specific polls that show Biden losing to Donald Trump. But in reality there are at least as many polls showing Biden defeating Trump. For instance, you likely won’t hear about any of these polls in the media this weekend:

This is why so many people decide to just ignore the polls altogether. And that’s understandable. But let’s keep in mind that while the polls have their own problems, they’re not the real problem. The real problem is that the media keeps misrepresenting what the polls are even saying to begin with. And for that we need to blame the media, not the polls.

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