Donald Trump Jr. just stepped in it

Donald Trump Junior has not been having an easy time of it lately. He has descended into more paranoia than ever before, basically living on Twitter, where many of his followers live to laugh at him.

It isn’t so surprising. Donald Trump Junior is the grease at the bottom of the pan. I once mused on whether a stupider human being existed. I do not believe they do. But now Junior has gone and done it! He’s been noticed by President Biden’s (AKA Dark Brandon’s) campaign. Alas, one knows no good can come of this — for Junior.

On Thursday way, uncool Junior referred to January 6 as a “fake insurrection. This was not a good thing for little Junior to say. And President Biden was ready. The Biden campaign humiliated Junior bigly by posting Junior’s OWN words — what Junior had said in the past about January 6. In posted screenshots, one could see Junior’s words for themselves:

“He’s got to condemn this shit!” Junior was talking to Mark Meadows.

“He has to lead now!”

“It’s gone too far!”

“Gotten out of hand!”

The Biden campaign posted ALL of this with a note for the spawn of individual one.

“Is this you, @donaldjtrumpJr?”

Twitter went crazy. It does seem Biden is taking a page out of the John Fetterman playbook with the Twitter trolling. It was a beautiful thing to see. Poor, poor little way uncool Junior – always destined to make a bloody fool of himself because, let’s face it, he inherited Daddy’s brains, which means — no brains at all.

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