One of Donald Trump’s sexual assault victims makes her move

Let’s not forget that besides being a traitor, a liar, a cheat, a thief, an embezzler, a money launderer, a tax criminal, a stochastic terrorist, a bigot, a betrayer, a narcissist, a quasi-literate oaf and an idiot, Donald Trump is also a rapist. We already know how much he hates women by the particular vehemence with which he pursues vengeance against his female enemies, and by the number of women who have alleged instances of rape and sexual assault against him.

It turns out that season-five Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos has launched a defamation lawsuit against Trump, who claimed he never even met her, let alone sexually assaulted her. The bad news is Trump has a pretty good case. The good news is Summer Zervos has a better one, one so good it knocks Trump’s case into a cocked hat. Zervos’ case comes complete with contemporaneous emails, phone records, copies of the calendar entries and itineraries from the Trump organization itself supporting Ms Zervos account – an account placing Trump exactly where she says he was when he assaulted her, an account detailed “with striking accuracy,” according to her attorney, Mariann Wang.

According to court papers filed Thursday, the Trump Organization is attempting to have nine pages of documents thrown out by designating them as “confidential” because they contain Trump’s cellphone number. Zervos’ lawyers responded that it was “absurd” because Trump had already publicized his cellphone to millions of Twitter followers during the 2016 campaign, and he no longer even uses that particular number anyway.

Lawyers for Zervos also say they have evidence of even “greater granularity,” which will be revealed at the start of the trial in March of 2020, just in time for the run up to the 2020 election. “Plaintiff reported Defendant’s assaults to family members and close friends immediately after they occurred and then again over the years,” according to a memorandum. “She confronted Defendant about his inappropriate behavior, both in a phone call shortly after the assaults and in an email sent through his secretary Rhona Graff in April 2016. Plaintiff also considered taking more formal legal action with respect to Defendant many years ago and in fact reached out to multiple lawyers back in 2011, including to Gloria Allred, whose records reflect that contact.”

Since many Republican men think women who report sexual assault are lying most of the time, the revelations this court case will doubtless expose will probably have little or no impact on them. But the case should serve to remind the voting public once again that there is a monster in the West Wing, and it is the urgent duty of the voters to remove him.

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