A good day for the Demcorats

Thursday seemed filled with twists and turns that have nothing to do with Donald Trump for a change. Fox “News” released the results of Quinnipiac University’s latest poll, and those results are quite interesting. In the senate race for Georgia, Senator Warnock currently leads Herschel Walker by 10 points. Perhaps Senator Warnock isn’t as “vulnerable” as Republicans would have us believe, especially with a huge block of independents in his corner. The poll revealed that 62% of independents support Warnock while only 33% chose Walker. Independents are likely as fed up with all the lying as are Democrats, and Walker has done nothing but lie since he came on the scene. The numbers also indicate that females are choosing Warnock above Walker, and Black voters chose Warnock at the rate of 88% to 10%. The only area in which Walker leads is among white voters, which comes as absolutely no surprise.

Warnock also enjoys a higher favorability rating over Walker, which Quinnipiac analyst Tim Malloy describes: “Herschel Walker fumbles on honesty and tumbles on favorability as Raphael Warnock surges ahead in the race for senator.” This is such good news. We need Senator Warnock in Washington, not another Trump-like liar. Don’t, however, allow these numbers to lead to complacency. We must continue to fight to keep Senator Warnock in Washington. Even more surprisingly, the Quinnipiac poll shows that Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams are tied for the governorship in Georgia.

Interpreting this poll as well, Malloy said: “with both candidates getting positive numbers on honesty, empathy, and leadership, Kemp and Abrams are in a Governor’s race too close to call.” Wouldn’t it be something if Abrams could upset Kemp? Things for Georgians would be very different under her leadership. The “heartbeat bill,” which has been tabled for now, would never pass, and voting rights would once again take center stage. We have a long way to go before these races, but it is nice to know that we at least have a shot at electing strong leadership that honestly cares about the lives of everyday people. Things are going well for Democrats right now, and in other surprising news, President Joe Biden won a huge victory from the Supreme Court.

SCOTUS has finally allowed President Biden to end Trump’s controversial “Remain in Mexico” policy. While there are arguments for having migrants go through procedures prior to entering the U.S., this policy was seen as inhumane. People were living in tents, being robbed, injured, and otherwise taken advantage of while waiting for entry into the U.S. for asylum. While a lower court upheld the policy, SCOTUS overturned that ruling, allowing President Biden to banish the policy once and for all. In the deciding opinion, Justice Roberts opined that the wording of the lower court was “discretionary,” leaving it open to interpretation as a state may see fit, and he also ruled that the law requiring that people be returned “imposed a significant burden upon the Executive’s ability to conduct diplomatic relations with Mexico.” Well, that battle is done, for now at least. Things certainly appear to be moving in the right direction.

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