Donald Trump reduced to begging

Different articles are written for various reasons. We write to inform, imagine and celebrate.

This article is being written for a different reason – for satisfaction — the satisfaction of Democrats everywhere, including the wonderful readers of Palmer Report.

Satisfaction. How long have we waited for that? We have wanted accountability — for Donald Trump.

And though he is not yet in prison, the chances of him being so are going up by the hour. With fresh new batches of damning testimony and information pouring in, more and more, it is looking like the fate of the evil one is sealed.

And now he begs.

Yes, this story is about the beggar — and to give you a chance to taste — and savor — sweet revenge.

He is begging. The beggar’s been reduced to this. He’s been reduced to a screaming, crying, begging pathetic little man.

Please — don’t!! That is what he is begging Newsmax. Newsmax — one of his biggest allies — perhaps no more?

The beggar is accusing them of burying his ruminations on stolen election conspiracies. Don’t do that, Newsmax, Trump begged.

“Fox doesn’t put it on,” he screamed.

“By the way, you people don’t put it on either.”

It’s the sociopath’s last stand.

Are you going to cut what I’m saying right now? he demanded, crazily.

Paranoia has set in.

‘Don’t let it,” he screamed desperately. “Don’t let it happen.”

Oh, it’s happening, traitor. Believe me — it’s happening.

The country is giving you your just desserts.

“Get it done fast!”

He began to plead with NewsMax.

The madness had reduced him to this.

“Before (Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy sees it.”)

Oh, how the not-so-mighty have fallen.

And so it is that the ruination of Trump has begun. The man who fancied himself a despot is — this.

A quivering, desperate beggar, a jellyfish not afloat, grasping for the handles of power and finding only failure.

Savor it, my friends. Savor every delicious triumphant moment of the fall from grace of the beggar Trump.

There will be even more where that comes from. But this — this falling from grace — cannot be undone. The bell has tolled, and it tolls for the lies — and the evil — of Donald J. Trump.

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