Secret Service reportedly confirms Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony against Donald Trump

Two Secret Service sources are now confirming Trump lunged for the steering wheel in an attempt at going to the Capitol, per CNN. If they’re willing to testify to that, it should be the ballgame. It would prove Trump’s criminal intent to the general public and to a trial jury.

CNN has not identified its sources by name. It’s not yet clear if the committee knows the sources’ identities, or if they’re going to be willing to identify themselves to the committee, or if the committee can successfully identify them externally. We just don’t know any of that yet.

The phrasing of the CNN report suggests that its two Secret Service sources were not the two agents who were in the car. This puts those two agents in an awkward position, to say the least, given that they’ve both already testified to the committee.

The committee has already expressed dissatisfaction to the media about the testimony that one of the two agents gave. Trump had also bizarrely given this particular agent a White House senior staff job. Obviously this is all still unfolding tonight.

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