It’s all over but the shouting

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“James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue?” This is what the whole thing has come down to. After the release of secret memos that prove Donald Trump committed felony obstruction, and reveal he’s even more of a deranged monster than we thought, he’s chosen to respond by shouting in all capital letters that the memos somehow exonerate him. For better or worse, it’s going to be all shouting from here on in.

Donald Trump is past the point of caring about how guilty his actions make him look, as evidenced by his decision yesterday to hire his criminal co-conspirator Rudy Giuliani as his new personal defense attorney. Trump is past the point of being able to fire his way out of this, as evidenced by the fact that his old personal attorney Michael Cohen is currently being ripped to shreds by a federal investigation run by the Southern District New York, which doesn’t even directly involve Special Counsel Robert Mueller or his team.

Trump now has two options. He can resign. Or he can yell a bunch of increasingly stupid nonsense, while doing increasingly stupid things, until he’s inevitably forced from office. There is some evidence that Giuliani may actually be trying to negotiate Trump’s resignation, as surreal as that might sound. But short of that, everything now comes down to Trump shouting things into the night, as the multiple federal investigations into him and his criminal racket continue to envelop him and destroy everyone around him.

It’s been said that, as Richard Nixon was coming to the realization of just how screwed he was, he would wander the White House and have conversations with paintings of former presidents. One has to wonder what Nixon’s final days in office might have looked like if he’d had Twitter. With Donald Trump, we’re getting to see it in real time.

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