Senile Donald Trump has bizarre “bigrant” meltdown

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Now that Donald Trump has lost his financial house of cards in a massive verdict against him, we’ve all been wondering what the psychological blow might do to his worsening senility. Sure enough, Trump tried to give a speech today, and it was so chock full of senile moments that we’re not even sure where to start.

For instance, Trump has now decided that “Bigrant” is a thing:

No, he wasn’t trying to say “migrant.” Instead, he said “Bigrant” while attempting to refer to President Joe Biden, and then decided that “Bigrant” is an abbreviation for “Biden crime.” Trump then pointed at his own head and declared himself “smart.”

There are no words for how senile this is. Donald Trump is now fully cognitively impaired. His full blown senility, combined with his longtime psychopathy, are resulting in completely incoherent behavior. It’s a matter of time before Trump is at the podium waving his own feces around. We’re not kidding about that. There is where it’s likely headed.

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