Dementia riddled Donald Trump appears to struggle with who Barron Trump is

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Donald Trump keeps showing worsening signs of dementia and/or senility, including repeatedly getting confused about whether the current President is Obama or Biden, which Bush brother was President, how many World Wars we’ve had, and so on. Trump’s apologists keep trying to cover for it by suggesting that Trump’s gaffes are actually hints about Biden being an Obama puppet and such. But it’s getting easier and easier to see that Trump’s mind is fading.

Donald Trump was asked about his teenage son Barron in a new interview. Here’s what Trump had to say: “He’s a tall guy, very tall, six foot eight. He’s a great young man. Very good student. I think he’s doing a good job, Barron. I think he’s doing a very good job.”

Keep in mind that Donald Trump is talking about his own son – and this is all he could come up with about him. Trump appears to remember that Barron is unusually tall, but that’s about it. Beyond that it’s all generic platitudes.

Some are suggesting that this means Donald Trump simply doesn’t know anything about his son to begin with. But we’ve all seen enough footage of them together to know that they’re at least spending some time together. It would be impossible for Trump to know this little about his son. It’s fairly obvious that Trump was instead struggling to remember what he does know about Barron, and struggling to remember who he is beyond the fact that he’s tall.

If you’ve had the misfortune to watch people around you go through dementia, you know that this is pretty much how it works. They end up speaking about family members and people close to them in generic terms, because they can’t remember much of anything about them. Donald Trump has now reached a stage of cognitive decline where he doesn’t seem to know who Barron is, beyond being a tall kid. It’ll only get worse.

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