Another nail in the coffin of Donald Trump’s conviction

The latest revelations in the saga of Donald Trump came from his attorney in the RICO case, Jennifer Little. It’s sort of surprising that she still represents him, given that she has met with the special counsel’s office. According to ABC News, shortly after issuance of the subpoena for classified documents, Little said she “very clearly warned” Trump that his failure to comply with that subpoena would “be a crime.” After sharing her conversation with prosecutors, she said that Trump “absolutely understood” her warning. Even after that warning, Trump decided that he was not going to hand over the documents and began a campaign of concealment with the help of employees. This is classic Donald Trump. He’s going to do whatever he wants to do and everyone else be damned. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong fight-against the DOJ.

Joyce Vance, a former U.S. Attorney, speaks frequently on Trump’s legal issues. Vance wrote on X: “A Trump attorney told prosecutors she warned him ‘it’s going to be a crime’ if you don’t comply with a subpoena for classified docs & then lie about it. She said he understood. Clear evidence of state of mind. Too bad Judge Cannon is delaying the trial.” Newsweek reached out to Vance for comment but received no response. The story also mentioned that Trump’s former attorney Evan Corcoran also warned Trump about compliance, and he shared that with investigators as well. Corcoran apparently warned Trump that his home may be searched if he failed to comply, and that warning did come to pass.

Regardless of what Trump says, he knew he had no right to keep those documents, or he wouldn’t have tried to hide them. Even though he feigns innocence, he moved the documents around his club, trying to find a place where the FBI wouldn’t find them but find them, they did. Trump is not innocent in this case (or any of the others for that matter). He still thinks he’s the smartest man in the room, and if he just continues to make up new lies, he’ll get out of it. The truth, however, is that Trump, for the first time in his miserable life, is scared shitless. He continues to try to point to the guilt of others, thinking that will make people stop looking at him.

Trump is obviously unstable, but he still has the sense to use words to try to rile up his supporters. For example, he wrote that the government should “come down hard” on MSNBC and “make them pay” for critical coverage of Republicans. He called Nikki Haley “a very weak and ineffective Birdbrain” in retaliation for the Koch endorsement and wrote “Obamacare Sucks!!!” He can say what he wants about President Obama, but he tried to do things to benefit the American people as opposed to promising to release the military on protesters and use the DOJ to prosecute enemies. Good thing he’s not going to reelected. Trump will be biding his time in a locked 8 by 6-foot room by the time the election rolls around.

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