Donald Trump’s cult of violence

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The Republican strategy, hinted at by Donald Trump and threatened by Lindsay Graham, is to use the prospect of violent retaliation to create a chilling effect for the mere suggestion that Trump might be indicted. But just as the threat of violence on January 6 was not idle neither is this one. MAGA loons have shown us who they are. We would be fools not to believe them the first time. There will be blood.

But not only are they a cult of violence they are also a cult of losers. They always back losers. They favored the South in the American Civil War, the Nazis in World War II, and they favored the biggest latter day loser of all, the twice impeached, thrice married MAGA clown who lost both popular elections. They will almost certainly lose this contest too — and they will lose big.

As with all conspiracy theories, the ones surrounding the lawfully executed FBI search warrant peacefully enacted at Mar-a-Lago are absurdly self-contradictory. The idea that Trump automatically declassified the documents the FBI planted — and he demands them back — invites ridicule on its face, and would be hilarious if it didn’t represent an unspeakable menace to the nation’s security. But there exists no theoretical amount of evidence sufficiently damning for MAGAland to ever admit their loud-mouthed whimpering fool of a hero ever did anything wrong. That is the unfalsifiable nature of the enemy we face.

Not only are they corrupt and evil they are also cowards, cowering behind their anonymous internet accounts, doxing FBI men and women just for doing their jobs, menacing the lives and families of good people serving the nation. They invite our contempt, so it would be bad manners not to give it to them in full measure.

They are laying the groundwork of their own destruction, planning actions they will regret for the rest of their lives. I’m all for giving them as much rope as they require to do to themselves what they threatened to do to Mike Pence. After all, as Napoleon put it, it’s also bad manners to interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.

While these MAGA fools plot their revenge, let’s take back the country. Remember to vote in November and bring your friends to the polls. With sufficient numbers in the House and a strong majority in the Senate we can do anything — and we will. And it will be wonderful. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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