RNC Chair Reince Priebus was at Trump Tower when Trump team and Russia were plotting illegal RNC donations

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Today a major new bombshell arrived in an existing Trump-Russia storyline, and it’s placed one long-curious aspect of the story in suspicious new context. Months ago it was revealed that the Donald Trump campaign met with Russian government representatives at Trump Tower during the election to try to influence the outcome of the election. It was also documented that RNC Chair Reince Priebus was at Trump Tower at the time. Now it turns out the meeting involved at least the discussion of illegal Russian donations to the RNC.

This latest revelation comes from notes that Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort took on his phone during the Russia meeting. Those notes are now evidence, and they reveal that Manafort wrote “RNC” and “donations” next to each other, according to NBC News (link). This circles back to the question of what the hell Reince Priebus was doing in the building while this meeting was going on.

Reince Priebus is best known as Donald Trump’s embattled and ultimately displaced White House Chief of Staff. But during the course of the election he was the chairman of the Republican National Committee. As Palmer Report reported weeks ago (link), Priebus was spotted entering Trump Tower just before the Russia meeting took place. It’s still not confirmed whether or not Priebus was in the meeting. But now that we know the subject matter of the meeting included illegal Russian donations to the RNC, it casts Priebus’ presence in a whole new light.

Was Priebus actually in the meeting between the Trump team and the Russian government representatives? Did he arrive at the building to discuss the “RNC donations” proposal that the Kremlin apparently pitched to the Donald Trump campaign during that meeting? One way or the other, Reince Priebus is now front and center in the Trump-Russia scandal. And because he was the head of the Republican Party at the time, the entire party is suspect.

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