Chris Christie has no idea what he’s even trying to do

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In Greek mythology, television and the internet were not exactly things. So, messages were delivered by Hermes. Hermes was the God of the messengers and would easily convey messages between different realms. Of course, here in modern-day America, we do things a bit differently.

We get messages every day — through TV ads, Amazon packages, Chris Christie. Yep. Christie is back in the news. The reason for this is that Christie appears desperate to convey a message. And that message appears to be “please take me seriously.”

Christie is now saying the lord of the lies is “dead wrong” about claims the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. Wow! A brilliant statement if ever I heard one. “Trump is dead wrong,” Christie said profoundly. “There is no evidence that the election was stolen.”

Really? We all didn’t know that! “Not even stolen in one state,” Christie continued piously. Christie uttered these illuminating comments while speaking in New Hampshire — the Crown jewel of election primaries.

“Live free or die” is New Hampshire’s motto. I say it should be briefly changed to accommodate Christie’s visit. It should be changed temporarily to “live free or lie.” See, Christie is lying. Of course, there was no fraud. But Christie always knew that from the beginning. This isn’t some lightning realization that just came to him.

Here is the problem: great message, lousy messenger. Messages are no good if the messenger cannot be trusted. Christie oozes smarm. The insincerity virtually wafts off him.

He cannot rehabilitate himself. Many people run for President for many different reasons. Some know they don’t have a chance and want to get their name out there, maybe write a book or get a job on CNN or some other network.

But — and this is just my opinion — I get the feeling with Chris Christie it’s real. The guy is way too in love with himself. Trust and respect are earned. Show me one thing Christie has done to earn my respect. I cannot think of anything. Christie is living free on the campaign trail for now. But if he really runs, he will get a very unpleasant surprise. And that surprise will have three words: No thank you.

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