Roger Stone’s final move

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It’s difficult to live your life so stupidly that even after getting your sentence commuted and later getting pardoned, you still end up dying in prison. But with yesterday’s criminal indictment of the entire Oath Keepers leadership for seditious conspiracy, Roger Stone is next in line to be indicted for the same charges. This means that Donald Trump’s mid 2020 commutation of Stone, and Trump’s late 2020 pardon of Stone, won’t stop Stone from spending the rest of his natural life in prison.

What’ll be particularly interesting is what Roger Stone decides to do once it hits him that his life is essentially over. Will he cut a deal against Donald Trump? On the one hand, such a deal would represent Stone’s only hope of tasting fresh air again at some point. On the other hand, Stone is 69 years old and seemingly in frail health – so would he ever get out of prison even with a plea deal? Would the DOJ be willing to give Stone immunity in exchange for giving up everything on his decades long friend Trump? These may stop being mere hypothetical questions soon, as this DOJ probe continues to move up the hierarchy.

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