This is more like it!

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When you’re waiting for the criminal justice system to play out at its slow-by-definition speed, and you’ve got pundits in your ear insisting that we’re all doomed if this or that legal maneuver isn’t carried out by this time tomorrow, it’s easy to feel like the justice system is failing. But now and then reality intrudes, and reminds us of what’s really going on.

For instance, yesterday was a doozy. First we got confirmation from the Guardian that the DOJ and SDNY have Rudy Giuliani nailed to the wall with a comprehensive criminal case that seems designed to make him realize he needs to flip on Donald Trump instead of going to trial.

Then we got confirmation of precisely what Palmer Report logically predicted would happen, which was that the Manhattan District Attorney would make news about the criminal case against Donald Trump shortly after Tuesday’s election of his replacement. Sure enough, the Washington Post revealed that the DA has a new grand jury in place to bring additional indictments. No names have been provided yet, but as a reminder, everyone who outranks Allen Weisselberg in the Trump Organization has the last name “Trump.”

Of course the doomsday pundits will soon go right back to ignoring these concrete developments, and insisting that Trump and his people will magically get away with it all unless they’re taken down by this time tomorrow. “We’re running out of time,” they’ll say, whatever that’s supposed to mean. They’ll harp on the supposed “damage” and “danger” of Trump not being arrested by this time tomorrow, even though they can’t define any such damage or danger.

Meanwhile back in the real world, we’re getting major confirmation this week that the criminal cases against Donald Trump and his people are playing out exactly like they should, and that they’re all on a clear path to going down. This should be enough for us to shake off the doomsday pundits, realize that we’re in position to win, and start fighting aggressively alongside the Democratic leadership to win battles and elections against the Republicans who are going to still be standing after the legal system finishes off Trump and his goons.

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