Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan give something away during House hearing

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Last night the January 6th Committee voted unanimously to refer Steve Bannon to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution for contempt. Now the House Rules Committee is debating the matter, before a full House vote tomorrow that’s guaranteed to pass. But even though today’s proceedings are just for show, Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan are busy giving something away.

Gaetz and Jordan both went out of their way today to frantically push back against the January 6th proceedings, trying to defend Bannon as a way of defending Donald Trump, the committee’s true investigative target.

This behavior wasn’t necessarily surprising, but it did give away just how afraid Gaetz and Jordan are of where this is all heading. Jordan spoke with Trump on January 6th, and he’s going to end up being an investigative target of the committee as a result. Gaetz is under federal criminal investigation for other matters, and the case is seemingly expanding.

Now that it’s clear the January 6th Committee is going to get to the truth, and that the DOJ is going to have criminal referrals to pursue, this would be the time for people like Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz to simply go quiet and hope the public forgets their corrupt ties to Trump. Instead they’re loudly running their mouths, because they fear that their ugly ties to Trump are going to soon be a huge problem for them anyway.

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