Trump stooge Glenn Youngkin can run but he can’t hide

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Glenn Youngkin can run, but he can’t hide. The Virginia Governor’s race is coming up quickly. And to Youngkin’s dismay, his attempts to convince voters he isn’t like Trump are failing miserably. And they must continue to fail because Glenn Youngkin is a fraud. And Virginians must know this.

The most recent bizarre happening in Youngkin’s campaign has to do with the Pledge of Allegiance. At a campaign event for Youngkin, a flag was featured on the stage. This flag was reportedly from the January 6 insurrection. Way to go Youngkin.

Of course, Youngkin insists this wasn’t his idea. He was not at the event, but it was held for him. Assolini even phoned in. And on that eerie day in Virginia, as the flag was held aloft, dozens upon dozens of MAGA recited the Pledge of Allegiance, binding themselves to that flag — which came from a bloody and violent day.

It is not ME! This is basically what Youngkin is frantically trying to convince people of. Not me, insists Youngkin, even as he is caught on tape saying he cannot come out against abortion because he needs the independent vote. But after he is elected…..

Not I is Youngkin’s message. Never I. Well, yes, Glenn. You. You and Trump are irrevocably linked, and you can deny and hide all you want, but the fact is you would destroy Virginia. So, please, folks — TWEET OUT this article.

Follow Terry on Twitter. Send postcards. Send as many as you can. Tell people Youngkin’s plans for Virginia. Tell people if Youngkin wins, Virginia would then become Trump country. And above all, vote — and make sure EVERYBODY in Virginia that you know does as well.

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