The criminal case against Rudy Giuliani just got even uglier for him

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Earlier this week the FBI raided the home of a Rudy Giuliani associate who worked with him on a multimillion dollar scam involving a documentary about Hunter Biden, in yet another sign that the federal criminal case against Giuliani is continuing to close in. Now there’s more bad news for Rudy.

It’s been clear to us all along that while the Feds may or may not be able to nail Rudy for his attempt at overthrowing the election, they were always going to get him for taking dirty foreign money in the process. Specifically, Rudy has been taking money from Ukraine. But now we’re all learning that the Feds are also targeting Rudy for taking dirty foreign money from Turkey.

Specifically, Bloomberg says that Giuliani was illegally lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of Turkish figures Reza Zarrab and Fethullah Gulen. This is interesting because both of these characters tie back to another Trump associate, Michael Flynn, which makes you wonder just how deep this probe is going.

In any case, the court recently appointed a special master to sort through Rudy Giuliani’s communications that were seized when his home was raided. Once those communications are turned over to prosecutors, they can be put in front of a grand jury so Giuliani can be indicted. It’s a fool’s errand to guess a precise indictment timeframe, but it’s clear that the process of indicting Rudy is far closer to the end than the beginning.

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