It’s over for the Republicans

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Six Republicans in the Senate voted in favor of the bill to establish a committee to investigate the insurrection riot. Talk about setting a low bar. That bar is so low, slugs use it for high jump practice. It’s like voting to affirm that the sun rises in the east.

Here’s the thing to keep in mind when the six GOP Senators are lionized for their recognition of reality; the ‘moderate’ Republicans are going to use the old ‘few bad apples’ defense.

They’ve already begun. Paul Ryan has led the way, emerging from the Fox Network boardroom to claim that the GOP must get back to the old party line of ‘drowning gov’t in a bathtub’ a la Grover Norquist, Iran-Contra Reaganism, trickle-down Lapper-curve lunacy, obstructionism, and servicing the .01%. Be assured, more apologists and revisionists will jump on board.

The ‘bad apples’ defense states that if the GOP would shed fealty to the Lard of Mar-A-Lardo, then all the Trumpian MAGA-billies would fall away and the Party of Reagan would stand tall again, ready to negate everything decent that the ‘nasty’ Dems would propose.

What a wonderful world it would be… for yacht owners.

It’s all the fault of the ‘bad apples’; the failed response to the pandemic, the slap-stick foreign policy, the unilateral ‘rogering’ of US agreements, the evisceration of the State Department and the quid-pro-quo lunacy of election rigging with the help of the Kremlin and Ukraine. All of it is to be blamed on the ‘bad apples’.

The paucity of verisimilitude is appalling. The GOP checked-out long ago. They stole the towels and skated on the bill. There is no redemption for the GOP. It’s over. It was over when they actually determined that Drumpf was their candidate for POTUS. Say ‘Good night’, Gracie.

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