This one is Tucker Carlson’s fault

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Tucker Carlson just can’t stay out of the news lately. And unlike with his network, the news he is making is not fake. Palmer Report has told you about Tucker and his chicken drama. This has caused quite a stir on Twitter, with many a chicken meme and bewildered Tweets questioning Tuck’s passionate alliance to chicken snuggling.

Now it appears the chicken-loving racist is jeopardizing the safety of children. Not that long ago, Tuck made news by suggesting that children wearing masks outside was akin to child abuse and ordered his sheeplike viewers to contact the police should they come upon this situation.

A man from Virginia appears to have taken some of the Chicken smoocher’s advice. This week, a man, who has not been identified at the time of this writing, began screaming at and harassing parents in Arlington, Virginia. This was apparently because the children were wearing masks.

According to many media reports, the man’s words were very close to what Tucker had said on his show.

“Look at these kids-child abuse, child abuse, suffocation,” this man said. He then accused the parents of child abuse. The man then started filming the children. The kids rightfully ran from him. The police were called, but the man had vanished.

This, of course, will happen again because Tuck’s bosses at Fox Entertainment are not containing the crazed Carlson.

But it’s essential to get the word out. This man is dangerous, and his rhetoric has firmly crossed into the zone where it is hurting people. If Fox propaganda does not care about these facts-and, it appears they don’t-then it is up to sane and rational people to educate and inform others about what he is doing. We also need to continue to go after his advertisers.

Tucker Carlson is dangerous. His hate speech is putting people at risk, and the whole world should be made aware of this.

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