Donald Trump’s Secret Service scandals just keep getting uglier

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We’re four months into the Biden administration, and there’s not a whiff of any Secret Service scandal. This stands in stark contrast to the Trumps, whose Secret Service disgraces are continuing to this day, leaving American taxpayers footing the bill for the former Worst Family’s narcissistic exploitation of our system.

In January, midway between Trump’s insurrection and President Biden’s inauguration, news leaked that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump barred the Secret Service from relieving themselves inside their home. As Rolling Stone aptly framed it, “Jared and Ivanka Aren’t Sharing Toilets With People Who’ve Agreed to Die for Them.” The prima-donna duo’s refusal to let agents use even one of their home’s seven toilets cost taxpayers $100,000 because the Secret Service needed to rent a nearby apartment just for its bathroom.

The Trumpian antics didn’t end there. As Trump stumbled out the door, he ordered a six-month extension of Secret Service protection to his four children and two of their spouses. Now, thanks to the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington watchdog group, we know that the Trump kids’ “breakneck speed of travel” has cost taxpayers over $140,000 in transportation and hotel expenses in the first month alone. At the rate these grifters are going, the total bill could reach $1 million—and that’s not including unaccounted for spending at Trump businesses.

On top of this, Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig details in her upcoming book, Zero Fail, that Vanessa Trump and Tiffany Trump each had personal relationships with Secret Service agents that got “inappropriately—and perhaps dangerously—close,” according to a report from The Guardian. Leonnig also revealed that Trump thought nothing of body-shaming agents, reportedly saying, “I want these fat guys off my detail!”

The defeated monster and his crime family may still be costing us money, but at least they’re out of power. We are finally winning again, and although a tremendous amount of work still lies ahead of us, we mustn’t lose sight of where we are today. As Biden reflected in his recent address to Congress: “We have stared into an abyss of insurrection and autocracy—of pandemic and pain—and ‘We the People’ did not flinch.”

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