Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown about Mary Trump and Bob Woodward as it all goes wrong for him

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The more it becomes clear that no one watched Donald Trump’s convention speech, and that Trump is still as far behind in the polls as ever, the more desperate and unhinged Trump is becoming. Yesterday he went to New Hampshire and gave a speech about his own ass. Now today he’s somehow managed to drift into even more deranged territory.

At one point during Trump’s meltdown today, he tweeted this word salad: “social pretenders like Bob Woodward, who never has anything good to say, or an unstable niece, who was now rightfully shunned, scorned and mocked her entire life, and never even liked by her own very kind & caring grandfather!”

That’s right, Donald Trump is now bragging about having “shunned, scorned and mocked” his niece Mary Trump her entire life. This is psychotic. But Trump wasn’t done. With his poll numbers terrible and his campaign floundering, he tweeted this nugget: “My Campaign, despite all of the Fake News, Fake Books, and pathetic reporting written about me and it, has more spirit and enthusiasm than ever before.” Well okay then.

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