We’re Number One! (in the worst way possible)

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As every statistical model has been predicting, the United States now has more confirmed coronavirus cases than any other nation. Considering we’re roughly two weeks behind Italy on the overall statistical curve, we’re likely looking at a death toll that’s about to go through the roof in gut wrenching fashion.

Most or all of these deaths in the United States could have been avoided, if Donald Trump hadn’t spent the first month of the worldwide outbreak calling it a “hoax,” and if he’d taken any meaningful action at all to try to curtail its spread.

How fed up are Americans with this negligent clown Trump? When the U.S. crossed the threshold to become number one in the world in coronavirus cases, the phrase “We’re Number One” began sarcastically trending on Twitter. The steps that America has taken to fend off the coronavirus have been instances of working around Trump – and Americans should never be in the position of having to work around their own useless President.

Donald Trump promised us that we’d be doing so much winning, we’d get sick of winning. Instead we’re “winning” at getting sick. This simply cannot continue. It’s well past the time for the 25th Amendment to be invoked against Trump. It’s our single best hope of saving countless American lives going forward.

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