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For some time now we’ve all been trying to figure out who was going to be the John Dean figure who honorably stepped up and took down Donald Trump from the inside. Michael Cohen tried, but he just couldn’t land the proverbial knockout punch. Gordon Sondland threw his hat in the ring last week. But now suddenly… Lev Parnas?

In the weeks since Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were arrested in relation to Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal, the jokes have been coming fast and furious. No one could even figure out how Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani ended up choosing these woefully underqualified henchmen to carry out such a high stakes scheme. These were the guys, after all, who got arrested while trying and failing to flee the country.

But something happened on the way to all these punchlines. It turned out Rudy Giuliani was on the payroll of Lev Parnas’ company, not the other way around. Lev wasn’t working for Rudy, Rudy was working for Lev. So maybe we shouldn’t be shocked that Parnas has turned out to be wise enough to have recorded his conversations with Trump and Rudy, and savvy enough to insert himself directly into the impeachment process by giving those recordings directly to the House Intelligence Committee.

Tapes took down Nixon. It’s just how it works. Lev Parnas could very well end up being the one to take down Donald Trump, and get worldwide credit for it, and end up spinning the whole thing into a free pass on his criminal charges when it’s all said and done. We’ll see how incriminating these tapes end up being. But now we know that Adam Schiff has them – and let’s just say that the game is afoot.

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